IndianPharmaJobs is not a consultancy service. Its a Platform created for Pharma Sales & Marketing Managers (ASM to VP) / Hiring Managers to Post vacancies under them .

Its started by a person who is one amongst you and had worked in Pharma industry for more than 2 decades.

Indian Pharma Jobs provides FREE  access to Managers of Pharma Industry to hire candidates directly by them by Posting their vacancies in Employer Section

A candidate we believe should have knowledge of all the vacancies in his Hq .

Thus Indian Pharma Jobs is a common platform where Managers / Company HR can Post vacancies and Candidates can search and apply to those vacancies directly. 

Posting Jobs on Indian Pharma Jobs is FREE but to keep the platform financially sustainable a very nominal annual / yearly  subscription of Rs250( Inclusive of GST ) is kept  for candidates. 

Our registered subscribers can use the platform for 1 year to Apply for jobs whereas Employers can post unlimited vacancies for lifetime.

Currently its dedicated for Jobs in Pharma Sales & Marketing .

Note: Subscription Fee is for Indian Pharma Jobs Portal and not for any particular company vacancy. Anyone who subscribes IndianPharma Jobs can apply to all jobs of His/ Her desired location and position for 1 year.

A) Just visit IndianPharmaJobs , Go to Menu / Home ,click on Register ,Sign up with Google Account / Yahoo account  or fill your details ,choose password and you are now registered on the website. ( See 2nd picture below)

Pl remember your email id and Password as you will require these to login on IndianPharmaJobs

B) If you visit the website by a job link from whatsapp/ Facebook / Linkedin , select  "New User" and login with your Google or Yahoo account directly  .

If you are using other email ids then fill your details like Name, Email id , Ph No and select some password for the website . 

Pl remember your email id and Password as you will require these to  login on IndianPharmaJobs


After registration / creating account (See 2nd Question), Login to the website by following ways :

a) Click on any vacancy shown on the website or vacancy link, and then click on Already registered link and login with your Google Account / Yahoo account .It will take you to the subscription page.

If you have registered with email ids other than gmail / yahoo then enter your registered email id and selected  password , it will take you to Subscription Page . you can choose the payment method and click on Pay Now .

b) Click on "I am candidate " on home page , search vacancy of your Hq and do as explained  above 

Charges for 1 year subscription package is Rs 250 including  GST

Pl Note : The subscription charges are for the website  and not for any particular company..

To see complete contact details , you need to subscribe to IndianPharmaJobs . Subscription charges are valid for 1 year .

There is a "Forget Password" option when you click on "Already Registered" or trying to Login to the website .

Click on it , enter your registered email id . You will receive an email to Reset your password . Check your email and reset the password and login .

It takes only 20 secs to Post a job on IndianPharmaJobs

Step 1 - Install a website shortcut to mobile homescreen. ( See last FAQ ) 

Step 2- Create / Register  your account( No need to subscribe)

Step 3- Click on Post New Job from Menu or "I am an Employer" on Home Page and fill the details or paste your vacancy message and Submit  

Step 1 and 2 are to be done only once . 

No ,Posting jobs is free , it does not require subscription . 

1. In current scenario ,Managers are posting in Whatsapp groups and if it is not shared then it remains restricted to a limited members of WA group. But once you Post on IndianPharmaJobs , your job is online and can be seen by anyone . 

2. After posting jobs , it will show in your account . You  have the control to Delete or Mark the job as filled .

3. Lots of candidates visit our website who can apply to your job .  We also share the posted jobs in our social media groups with relevant candidates.

You can Post your resume in My Account Section.

What you need to do is :

1. Register on the website (See FAQ No 2 )

2. Subscription page will come ( If you do not need to subscribe ,click the back button) 

3. Go to Home Page --My Account Section --My Profile .

Put your correct details ,attach cv and submit . If company name is not coming in the list select Others .

a) 99% of cases subscribers forget the password , just click on Forget password option ,submit the email id on which subscription is done , you will receive a mail to reset the password . Reset the password and login again .

b) Few cases ,people have created two accounts and are trying to login with other account on which subscription is not done , enter your correct email to login 

1. Open Play store and update google chrome 

2. Click on 3 dots on top , click on settings , privacy and security , delete all cache and cookies for "All Time"

Or do as suggested in the picture below.

No , currently there is no App available for our website . 

But you can create a shortcut of the website in your phone , it will work like an app.

Do the following :

1. Click on 3 dots in google chrome when website is open.

2. Click on Add to Home screen , it will create a  link on your phone. Now you need not open google chrome everytime .